
Thursday, March 8, 2012

Tidy Tips: Storing and Organizing Play Food

I have been a neglectful blogger lately, but in my defense we moved and I am 7 months pregnant, so yeah....  I have lots of great things coming, slowly, but surely, I have to get my husband graduated this April though!

My son has been way into birthdays lately.  Lots of family members have had birthdays and he really digs the birthday song and blowing out the candles.  I am glad he is into it since he will be 2 at the end of April.  Where did the time go!?

The other day while shopping at IKEA, I saw their play food and HAD to get the birthday cake.  Then the other food was way too cute to resist, so we ended up getting it all and he has been having so much fun with it!  We have a daily birthday party now, it is too cute.

 Once I got the food home, I wasn't sure how to organize it.  We don't have a play kitchen (yet...I am having a girl, I am sure we will soon enough!), and I didn't like this....

 I started thinking what the best way to organize play food would be.  I had 2 thoughts.  First, how do I store real food?  Second, I have an over abundance of Tupperware and you know how I love to use it for other things, here and here.

The solution was simple.  Here is the result.....

 So much nicer!  All neatly put away in its home.
How do you store play food?


  1. I was looking at IKEA's play food for Aspen. I think it's adorable! Kev got her a free kitchen (small enough to fit on a Lack side table) and I'm slowly starting to figure out what to get to complete it.

  2. We have quite an extensive kitchen center and TONS of food and containers etc. I found that needlepoint plastic is so helpful. I used it to make custom containers to fit our kitchen centers and to make extra storage. You can see some of it on my blog and I will be doing a follow up to it in the near future. Its in a post called "A mini kitchen for our Mini"

  3. Why wait to make a play kitchen? I get not doing it if you don't have time/space, but you seem to be saying you're waiting until you have a girl--who might not even *like* pretending to cook.

    If your son is totally into cooking, don't make him wait until he outgrows the interest. My friend's little boy still uses his kitchen at nearly 4 years old--he just cooks for his dinosaurs as well as for his mommy now.

    Plus, if you get him something now, he'll have at least a year for it to be all his and not have to share.

    1. We are really just waiting on having the money for one. We are saving up to get him one for Christmas. If we weren't so busy with work and school right now, we would just make one!
