
Monday, March 7, 2011

Kiss Me I'm Irish...

I.LOVE.TARGET. I could spend hours browsing the aisles if I had unlimited time and money. What is it about that store that is so amazing? I think my favorite part of that store definitely has to be the dollar spot. They always have such fun stuff for only a buck! When I saw these I HAD to get them for my lil' leprechaun. Aren't they adorable?? I needed something to go with them, so I decided to make a fun onesie. Let me just make one thing clear, I DON'T SEW. I am horrible at it and I had a really bad experience in my Junior High Home Economics class. I can do a *tiny* bit of embroidery, but I really am not good at that either. ANYWAY, an easy St. Patrick's Day onesie, was on my to do.

I got a piece of black scrap fabric from my Mother-in-law for my pot o' gold. I am not artistic at all, so I had my very artistic husband draw me a pattern. I cut it out on the fabric and the wonder under iron on pellon (I had some left over from a previous project.)
I found these fun gold buttons at Michael's. I have a love/hate relationship with glitter. It was the perfect thing for gold coins, but it gets everywhere!
I ironed on my pot o' gold and attached the buttons. I also added a shamrock with some green buttons I had on hand. I really like how it turned out!
I think it compliments the socks perfectly!
My lil' leprechaun will be getting lots of kisses on St. Patrick's Day wearing this outfit. If only I had some green pants, oh well jeans will do!


  1. Can I comment on my own blog, if it's not my post? SO SO SO SO SO CUTE SueAnn! You did a great job!!!

  2. That is fabulous. I love the buttons! Such a great idea since they're easy for inexperienced seamstresses such as myself.

  3. Oh my goodness! This is ridiculously cute! Great idea!!! I LOVE it!!! Thank you so much for linking up to the handmade hog!!! I hope to see you next week too:)

