
Friday, January 7, 2011

Friday Freebie

I'm thinking of starting a new Friday Feature, but please give me your comments and let me know if it's too TACKY...

I live in a town that has a "Bulk Trash" pickup day. Numerous times I have seen, and collected, items right from the curb...decent stuff! Would it be too tacky to show off the "trash" I've turned to "treasure"?

Here's a great example...

Recently, I found four kitchen chairs. (Same finish, style, etc. as these pictured below. Wish I had taken a before picture...this will have to do.)

Out to the Spray Paint Place. I brushed the chair with a primer...
followed by this GORGEOUS blue...a mistake mix~can you believe it?

Then I sanded it lightly.

Added a brown paint to add distress and "age" it.

Sprayed a quick coat of poly, and it was finished.

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE how they have turned out! Two down, two to go...


  1. it's not tacky!!!
    I love a good 'trash to treasure' post!!!

  2. I love those chairs! I am a sucker for distressed furniture!

  3. How did you apply the brown layer? I need details lady because my brain is broken!

  4. I am doing this ‘Follow Friday 40′ that I saw over at Design It Chic's blog and I am now following you! This is such a cool idea isn’t it?! Love your blog by the way - and I think Friday Freebie is a great idea! Plus the chairs look fabulous.

  5. Added the brown layer with just a sponge brush, but wiped off excess with paper towels. You're too cute Corinne!

  6. You did a great job on the chairs. I personally don't love the distressed look since so much of my stuff starts out that way, LOL. But those chairs did turn out really cute and it's not tacky at all to save perfectly good chairs from the trash. In fact, it's a great idea. I wish you could do that in my area. Here all our trash has to fit in a small bin or it doesn't get picked up.

  7. Hi this is Nicole from Colies Kitchen I just discovered your blog and wanted to drop by and say hi. I really like your blog, and am now a new follower. I would love to have you stop by Colie’s Kitchen if you get a chance.

  8. Love this color you chose! It seems to be the new thing to do! The eggshell blue with the stain! I LOOOOOOooovveee it!! :) Thanks for linking up to Sassy Sites- Trash to Treasure Tuesday! We are doing a LABEL giveaway today, so come back and check it out!

    Marni @ Sassy Sites!
