
Monday, October 11, 2010

How To Make A Milk Jug Skeleton

I have really been a slacker, I meant to get this project done and posted a few weeks ago, but here it is the middle of October and I am just now doing it. My Mom used to make these when I was a kid, I always had fun helping, and we always thought they were super fun decorations.

Here is what you will need to make your milk jug skeleton:
8-9 empty clean milk jugs
Fishing line
A craft punch
A dry erase marker is also helpful, but not a must.
Hot glue
To remove the labels off the jugs, fill them with a small amount of hot water and then lay them on their sides. If you have any residual sticky stuff, Goof Off works well to remove it.
Once you have removed your labels, you can start cutting out your pieces. I found it easy to cut the milk jugs into sections and then trace paper patterns onto them with a dry erase marker. The dry erase will easily wipe off once you are done cutting out your patterns. You will need 3 whole jugs. The first once trace a face, the large circles make good eyes, the second do a rib cage, and the third you can do a hip pattern. You can use the handle part of the jug for hands and shoulders, then trace feet, and trace 8 bones.

Once you have all your pieces, you can start putting them together. I used my smallest craft punch to make tiny holes to put them together. The 3 large pieces are hard to get your punch in, so you may just use a sharp knife to poke a tiny hole. My husband was nice enough to help me with this part.
Take your fishing line and string all your pieces together, then tie a large knot in the end.
You will need to hot glue the shoulders onto the body, and it should look something like this...

We used some battery operated tea lights to give him a ghoulish glow at night! Happy Haunting!


  1. Hey, ~the hip connected to the thigh bone~
    Love this skeleton!

  2. That is really cute, great tutorial too.

  3. good reuse of the jugs! i love it!


  4. How cool! I've gotta try this...Thanks for linking up to Mad Skills Monday!

  5. Very Halloweeny! I love the use of the milk jugs! What a way to recycle! Thanks for sharing the tutorial! Now, we can all have milk-jug skeletons in front of our house!

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